Thursday, August 23, 2007

not from life!

I seem to only post life paintings. Here's a speedy sci-fi/furturistic concept study thing-a-ma-jig I don't plan on finishing. I have a few paintings from the term that I may share later. I haven't shared any concept work because they are never at a level of finish I am proud to show. This will do for now as I will be out of town for a while. =) have a good day!


Jackson Sze said...

Whoa cool! Haven't really seen your sci-fi work. Looks great! Robh has trained you well.

bog_art said...

I don't know why you don't want to finish it.. it looks great in black and white anyway.. you have a really nice blog..

Ramsés Meléndez said...

great composition and perspective structure

Eric Chiang said...

I like the composition. You should try some custom brush techniques or photos to get you closer to that finished quality. I only say this because I need to do more of that myself. Looking good Sarah.

Stephensanity said...

whoa, this pretty wild. nice stuff!

coralie lefort said...

beau travail!